
“It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.”

~ Maud Hart Lovelace


Hi everyone,

Many people have social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, WhatsApp etc) accounts but have you ever thought about what happens to these accounts when you die?  Many of the platforms have options to manage these accounts should someone die without providing instructions.  Another helpful option is to make a social media will.  While not legally binding, a social media will can be included with your other estate planning documents and may help provide direction to your executor/survivors as to how to best manage your social media accounts.  For more information, please click here and here.  I also recommend you use a password manager and keep all relevant data securely stored in one spot.  I personally use Dashlane which I’ve found to be a very good system.

Earlier this spring, the Feds received Royal Assent on the new First Home Savings Account.  There are some great features to this plan although it certainly is no solution to our housing crisis.  For those who have, this plan will be great; it doesn’t help the have nots though.  Anyway, if you want to look at the basics of the plan, check out this good summary report from Fidelity.  The accounts should be available to open later this year.

Try this month’s puzzle:  What is unique about the following sentence?

I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting.

Enjoy the sunshine!


Michelyne, Terran and Ben